We spend a lot of time in our cars. In fact, the average person’s daily commute is between 60 – 90 minutes round-trip. With the amount of time we spend in our automobiles, it is important to know how to keep them clean and smelling fresh. Here are 6 tips for keeping your vehicle in tip top shape.

Wash Routine

First, start by establishing a wash routine. It is important to wash your car at least once every two weeks as dirt and grime can have a negative impact on your vehicles paint. Additionally, salt and bug splats would require immediate care as salt can cause chemical reactions while the bugs release toxins and acid that can eat away the paint surface. Luckily, your friends at Caliber Carwash will be there to accommodate whatever car washing needs you desire.

Have Cleaning Products

Let’s face it. Accidental spills happen. You may need more than a napkin to clean up the mess, so we recommend keeping a pack of multi-purpose or multi-surface wet wipes to clean on the go (if you have leather or other delicate material in your vehicle, make sure the wipes are gentle on said material. They’ll usually say it on the back of the bottle or in the description for the online shoppers). You can also stop by Caliber for use of our quality multi-purpose and window cleaner.

Replace Air Filter

The air that enters through a car’s vents is filtered. Air filters prevents debris, dust, sand, and insects from entering and ensures cleaner air. How often air filters need replacing varies on the vehicle, distance traveled, and travel conditions. Replacing air filters are often overlooked and can have a negative effect on your car’s performance so it is important to change them regularly. Many air filters are easy to access and replace as most are found in the back or underneath the glove compartment on the passenger side of the vehicle. You can usually grab a new air filter for as low as $15 and it will last for months. Also, when getting an oil change, most mechanics will change this for free if you have a replacement filter handy.

Use A Mini Trash Bin

From old receipts to gas station napkins, trash can fill up in our vehicles quickly if we are not careful. Keeping a mini car trash bin in arms reach can prevent clutter and unwanted trash out of sight. Do not forget to empty your bin regularly as trash can attract unwanted pests, begin to smell or it could make your car look junky.

Air Fresheners

Air fresheners are essential to keeping your car smelling fresh. Odor can consume the breathable space in your vehicle very quickly, and air fresheners help keep that in check. Did we forget to mention that Caliber offers free air fresheners with every wash?

Seat Covers & Kick Mats

If you are a parent or pet owner, messes are bound to happen. Waterproof seat covers will keep your car’s interior clean, dry, and free of stains. They also help protect expensive materials such as leather, from getting scratched, stained, or damaged by the sun during the summer months. Kick mats are also effective at making sure you do not bring unwanted debris inside your car as to stain it in anyway. You can easily vacuum these at Caliber or many are machine-washable. And for any of those carper floor mats that get dirty, don’t forget to try Caliber’s complimentary carpet mat cleaner.

Have ideas for keeping your car #CaliberClean that we didn’t mention? Let us know on our social media so we can share your tips!