It’s nearing the time our Floridians know best, lovebug season. However, motorists can make sure that their paint stays intact by washing these little critters off their cars regularly.

Lovebugs cause damage to cars in various ways. Their acidity can lead to paint erosion and discoloration, and if overlooked, lovebugs can enter a car’s radiator or engine causing serious internal damage to the vehicle.

Fortunately, Caliber Car Wash offers a solution. Most of our locations feature a bug prep station that we encourage customers to use prior to the tunnel wash. Located before the pay station, these stations help pre-soak lovebugs that need some extra scrub love.

“The first step to saving your paint job is making sure all the lovebugs are wet before entering the tunnel,” said District Manager Josh Johnson, “doing this should loosen the bugs making them easier to remove. After that, we do the rest.”

Our tunnel technology ensures that bugs and smears are removed while also providing preventative measures. Our triple shine wax and ceramic coating provide an additional layer between the paint and the environment to keep paint safe until the next wash.

“The wax and ceramic coating that we use not only repel lovebugs,” said Johnson, “but they also keep your car safe from dirt, grime, grease, or other environmental elements that may harm your paint.”

To keep paint looking fresh and clean, lovebugs need to be removed immediately. Even a week without a wash can cause irreversible paint damage. Caliber offers its Florida residents membership options for a low monthly price with our Limitless plans.  For more information, motorists can visit