With a blowout victory already under their belt for the 2021 season, the Lake Wales Highlanders are gearing up for a huge season – and Caliber is thrilled to cheer them on as a proud sponsor!

The black and orange had a big start with a 26-0 win against Winter Haven. Caliber employee and Highlander player TJ Pierstorff says the community is in for an exciting year of Friday night lights.

“Our team has been working non-stop this summer to make sure we’re in the best shape possible both mentally and physically. We want to keep our momentum up going into our next few games – and it really makes a difference when we have fans cheering us on in the stadiums and local businesses supporting us. Football is extremely important to this community, and it means they world when they show up for us.”

As both a high school student football player and Caliber employee, TJ finds many similarities between working at the wash and playing on the field.

“I’ve always been taught that teamwork is the key to success, both on and off the field. At Caliber, our team highly values working together. Management fosters a supportive environment for our team, which allows us to grow and celebrate our successes together. It’s the same on the football field- we are stronger together than we are apart. When one of us wins, we all win- and that’s the mentality that’s so important in these team environments,” said TJ.

It’s that team mentality that TJ has been taught since a young age – he started playing when he was 11 years old in 6th grade. TJ has played several different positions in his career, including defensive end, defensive tackle, offensive tackle, nose guard, and center. He says football means the world to him, as his father won two state championships as a coach and also played in high school.

“The Lake Wales program has definitely changed my life. I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to play with some of my best friends. And there were also a few of the older, more experienced players who would always be there for me when I needed it, and those bonds translate on the field,” said TJ.

Caliber is honored to support our Highlanders as a 2021 Banner Level sponsor. If you are interested in learning more about their upcoming season or would like to see a schedule, you can check it out here.

If you are interested in learning more about Caliber sponsorships and fundraisers, send us an email at info @ calibercarwash or reach out on social media – we’re always excited to support our local community!